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Cato Club Naples — The Sequester and Other Possible Victories in the Battle to Restrain Leviathan

Date and Time
Naples, FL
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Featuring Dan Mitchell, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; and moderated by Robert Levy, Chairman, Cato Institute.

Join us for Cato Club Naples — an exclusive monthly luncheon held in season for Cato Sponsors whose annual contribution is $1,000 or more. This month’s luncheon, our last for this season, features a presentation by our senior fellow and one of the nation’s leading tax experts, Dan Mitchell, on the impact of the sequester and what it means for limited government.

After record increases in the burden of federal spending under Presidents Bush and Obama, the pendulum may finally be swinging back in a libertarian direction. A sequester recently took place, reducing the federal government’s spending authority by $85 billion. Moreover, the pro-spending lobbies weren’t able to undo the sequester in the just-passed “continuing resolution.” But this minor victory could be a sign of things to come. Dan Mitchell will talk about how the momentum from the sequester may carry over to the “debt limit” fight and ultimately to Cato-inspired entitlement reform.

It is sure to be an informative and thought-provoking discussion. I hope your schedule will allow you to join us on April 10 in Naples.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
12:00 — 12:15 p.m.: Registration and Reception
12:15 — 2:00 p.m.: Policy Forum and Luncheon

Grey Oaks Country Club
2400 Grey Oaks Drive North
Naples, FL

By invitation only. Registration fee is $35 per person, which can be paid at the door.

To register, please call Ashley Benson at 202–789-5226 or email abenson@​cato.​org.
For more information on the Cato Club luncheons please contact Jenna Huhn at 202–218-4617 or jhuhn@​cato.​org.