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The Cato Institute cordially invites you to the inaugural Cato Club Naples policy forum and luncheon. Club Naples is an exclusive monthly event held in season for Cato Sponsors whose annual contribution is $1,000 or more.

How to Tame the Federal Budget

Featuring Richard W. Rahn, Chairman, Institute for Global Economic Growth, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and moderated by Robert A. Levy, chairman, Cato Institute.

This month’s luncheon features a discussion with two top tax and budget scholars with experience both in government and the private sector. Richard Rahn served as vice president and chief economist of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Chris Edwards worked as the senior economist on the congressional Joint Economic Committee examining tax, budget, and entrepreneurship issues. They will provide insight into America’s fiscal and budgetary woes and offer solutions to our current crises.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
12:00–12:30 p.m. Registration and Reception
12:30–2:00 p.m. Policy Forum and Luncheon

Naples Sailing and Yacht Club
896 River Point Drive
Naples, FL

By invitation only.
Registration fee is $35 per person, which can be paid at the door.
To register and for further information, please contact Maura Pennington at 202–789-5216 or mpennington@​cato.​org.