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Sponsor eBriefing

Barack Obama: Civil Liberties Nightmare

Date and Time
Live Online

In the Hope-saturated days of Obama’s ascendancy, the New Republic wrote that, if elected, the former law professor could be “our first civil libertarian president.” How’s that working out?

Not well. Join Cato vice president Gene Healy for a discussion of President Barack Obama’s expansion of executive power in areas such as war, assassination, surveillance and elsewhere.

This special online-only series is an opportunity to hear from Cato’s policy staff. The briefing will be broadcast live at www​.cato​.org/​s​p​o​n​s​o​r​-​e​-​b​r​i​efing. Please note that it is not necessary to download any software to watch the briefing online; no reservation is necessary.

Our thanks for your continued support of the Cato Institute. We hope you’ll join in on the discussion.