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The Arab Awakening and Its Implications

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring David Ottaway, Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Zainab Al-Suwaij, Executive Director, American Islamic Congress; Stanley Kober, Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and Steven A. Cook, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations; moderated by Malou Innocent, Foreign Policy Analyst, Cato Institute.

The mass uprising that began in Tunisia has since spread throughout the Arab world, serving as the catalyst to Hosni Mubarak’s downfall in Egypt and Muammar el-Qaddafi’s crackdown and subsequent United Nations intervention in Libya. Given these momentous events, will more Arab governments respond to demands for reform? Has the impact of social networking been revolutionary or overblown? Will the oil-rich Persian Gulf States be able to rely on their substantial wealth as a safety valve in times of crisis? And how do these developments enhance or diminish America’s ability to exert influence in the region? Please join us as we tackle these and other questions.