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The People’s Money: How Voters Will Balance the Budget and Eliminate the Federal Debt

(Threshold Editions, 2012)

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Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring the author Scott Rasmussen, Founder and President, Rasmussen Reports; with comments by Sean Trende, Senior Elections Analyst, RealClearPolitics; and Michael Barone, Senior Political Analyst, Washington Examiner; moderated by Michael D. Tanner, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute.

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For years, political observers have blamed voters for Washington’s failure to balance the budget and reform entitlements, claiming that voters support a balanced budget in the abstract, but are unwilling to support the types of cuts actually needed to achieve that balance. But, in his new book, leading political pollster Scott Rasmussen says that Americans are willing to support the necessary changes if politicians provide the leadership required. Drawing on a comprehensive review of history, revelatory budgetary documents, and enlightening public opinion polls, Rasmussen lays out a step-by-step budget that could wipe out trillions of dollars from the national debt.