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Sudan after the Elections: Implications for the Future and American Policy Options

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1st floor/Wintergarden
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Featuring Sean Brooks, Save Darfur Coalition; Marc Gustafson, Marshall Scholar, Oxford University; Jon Temin, U.S. Institute for Peace; moderated by Justin Logan, Associate Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

The week of April 11, Sudan held its first open election in 24 years amid widespread legitimacy concerns, an indictment from the International Criminal Court, and a last-minute boycott by leading opposition parties. Although the parties participating have declared they will honor the results, the United States, the European Union, and other observers have stated that the elections failed to meet international standards. Even so, some commentators believe the elections may represent an important turning point in Africa’s largest nation. What do the elections mean for Sudan’s future? Could the elections help create the conditions for a new era of peace in that war-ravaged country? Finally, what do the elections mean for U.S. foreign policy? Please join our panel for a lively discussion of these questions.