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Student Briefings

The Cato Institute welcomes visits from college classes, internship programs, and other groups. These “Briefings” offer groups of all backgrounds and perspectives an outstanding opportunity to learn from some of the country’s foremost scholars on a wide range of policy disciplines.

Briefings generally follow a standard format in which groups tour our headquarters and participate in a lecture and engage in discussion with policy scholars selected based on the group’s interests. Cato regularly hosts groups including small private colleges, Ivy League universities, large state universities, religious schools, high schools, Washington, DC‐​based internship programs, professional development and leadership training programs, and more. We are open to receiving any group interested in hearing from our scholars.

If you would like to arrange a visit for your class or group, we invite you to please submit the brief request form below. We understand that constraints around timing, funding, and travel logistics may limit your group’s ability to participate in person and are excited to offer interested groups a virtual briefing option as well.

We encourage you to share this invitation with friends and colleagues you think might also be interested, and we hope to see you here at the Cato Institute soon!