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Telecompetition: The Free Market Road to the Information Highway

• Published By Cato Institute
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About the Book

Developments in telecommunications have moved at breakneck speed, bringing the wonders of modern technology to all aspects of our lives. Yet the American people are being deprived of the full benefits of the information revolution because government continues to regulate electronic communications. With the passage of the 1992 Cable Act, the regulatory stranglehold is actually getting tighter. Gasman’s lively and optimistic book shows that bureaucrats have neither the information nor the incentive to intelligently guide the information revolution and therefore the only alternative is the free market.

About the Author

Lawrence D. Gasman, senior fellow in telecommunications at The Cato Institute, is president of Communications Industry Researchers, a technology consulting firm. He is the author of Telecompetition: The Free Market Road to the Information Highway. He is an expert on telecommunications policy, privacy, spectrum auctions, and electronic commerce and taxation.