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US Military Innovation Since the Cold War: Creation without Destruction

• Published By Routledge
By Benjamin H. Friedman, Harvey M. Sapolsky, and Brendan Rittenhouse Green
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This book explains how the US military reacted to the ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ (RMA), and failed to innovate its organization or doctrine to match the technological breakthroughs it brought about.
About the Editors

Benjamin H. Friedman was a research fellow in defense and homeland security studies. He writes about U.S. defense politics, focusing on strategy, budgeting, and war. He has co-edited two books and has published in International Security, Political Science Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Atlantic, the Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, the Hill, Politico, the Christian Science Monitor, and various other journals. Ben is a graduate of Dartmouth College, a PhD candidate in political science at the MIT, and an adjunct lecturer at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.

Harvey M. Sapolsky is a professor of public policy and organization at MIT.

Brendan Rittenhouse Green is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati. His most recent writing is on the dynamics of nuclear weapons and arms races during the Cold War and today, especially in his book The Revolution That Failed: Nuclear Competition, Arms Control, and the Cold War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020).