It’s been a busy week over at Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org. We began with a new Excursions essay from George H. Smith. Provocatively titled “Fingering the King on the Road to Independence,” Smith’s piece examines how the pre-Revolution Coercive Acts led Americans to blame the king for the conspiracy to strip them of their rights and liberties.

We posted two new videos featuring the philosopher Douglas Rasmussen, one to our Libertarian View series and the other of a lecture he gave in 1991 on morality and capitalism. Here are embeds of those videos:

We also added a speech by Ted Galen Carpenter dealing with the impact of a country’s foreign policy on its domestic policies.’s magazine section grew with the addition of Literature of Liberty, published from 1978 through 1982, first by the Cato Institute and then by the Institute for Humane Studies. Each issue begins with a long essay exploring and analyzing the literature and thought in a particular field, such as Eric Foner discussing “Radical Individualism in America: Revolution to Civil War” or John Hospers writing about “The Literature of Ethics in the Twentieth Century.” The second half of each Literature of Liberty contains a wealth of summaries of academic articles and books of interest to libertarians.

Finally, the Exploring Liberty series of introductory lectures on libertarian theory and history is now available in podcast form, so you can listen on the go. It’s on iTunes as well as direct from the Exploring Liberty podcast feed.

As always, you can keep up to date with Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org on Facebook, Twitter, via RSS, or by visiting the site.