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Will the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Live Up to Its Promise? — TTIP and the Multilateral Trading System

The TTIP and other mega-regional trade negotiations have been garnering attention for both their potential to liberalize trade and their potentially adverse impacts on the existing multilateral trading system. This panel will discuss the implications of the TTIP for the World Trade Organization and its member states. It will include discussion of the prospects for multilateralization of TTIP’s provisions; accession by other WTO members, the potential impact on the WTO dispute settlement body, prospects for developing countries, and the implications for U.S. and EU relations with the big economies left out of these deals — such as China and Brazil — if the TTIP succeeds in writing a new gold-standard of trade rules.

Moderated by: Joakim Reiter, UN Conference on Trade and Development

Vinod Aggarwal, University of California, Berkeley
Joost Pauwelyn, Georgetown University Law Center
Harsha Singh, International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development

Joakim Reiter