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Capitol Hill Briefing

Who Owns Your Health Care?

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B-340 Rayburn House Office Building
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Featuring John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, Pacific Research Institute and Michael F. Cannon, Director of Health Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

Although many people throughout the world consider America a bastion of free-market medicine, most Americans lack the freedom to control the most basic decisions about their health care. Observers also fail to appreciate how that freedom varies from state to state and how each state can learn from the successes (and failures) of the others. John R. Graham of the San Francisco–based Pacific Research Institute has compiled an “Index of Health Ownership” to highlight that variation and to explain why Utah residents have the most – and New Yorkers the least – control over their health care. Please join us for a presentation of that paper and its findings with comments by Michael Cannon.rn