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Toward a New Era in U.S.-Cuba Relations

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Date and Time
Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring Sen. Jeff Flake (R‑AZ) and Carl Meacham, Director of the Americas Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies; moderated by Juan Carlos Hidalgo, Policy Analyst on Latin America, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.

President Barack Obama’s announcement that the United States will seek to ease the embargo on, and normalize relations with, Cuba marks the beginning of the end of more than 50 years of failed efforts by Washington to improve human rights or achieve political or economic reform on the island through economic sanctions and diplomatic isolationism. Further moves to end the embargo depend on Congress, however. Senator Flake will explain why he supports normalizing relations and discuss what to expect from a new Congress on policy toward Cuba. Carl Meacham will present national security arguments in favor of engaging Cuba.