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The Tea Party: Three Principles

(Cambridge University Press, 2012)

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Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring the author Elizabeth Price Foley, Florida International University College of Law; with comments by Doug Kendall, Constitutional Accountability Center; and Michael Barone, American Enterprise Institute; moderated by Roger Pilon, Cato Institute.

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With the 2012 elections before us, we’ve seen much speculation about whether the Tea Party will repeat the crucial role it played in the 2010 elections. Focusing on three principles—limited government, unapologetic U.S. sovereignty, and constitutional originalism—Elizabeth Price Foley’s new book addresses that question, and more, head on. As George Will put it, “at last, someone conversant with the large issues now roiling contemporary American politics has taken the Tea Party seriously and concluded that it is intellectually substantial and politically constructive.” Please join us for what will doubtless be a stimulating discussion, with comments from both a leading critic of the Tea Party and perhaps the nation’s foremost political demographer.