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Switzerland: A Free-Market Model for Europe?

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Hayek Auditorium
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Featuring R. James Breiding, Author, Swiss Made, and founder, Naissance Capital; with comments by Richard Rahn, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute, and Chairman, Institute for Global Economic Growth; moderated by Mark Calabria, Director, Financial Regulation Studies, Cato Institute; with a brief welcome by Manuel Sager, Swiss Ambassador to the United States.

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With what appears to be a never-ending fiscal crisis in Europe, it would be tempting to conclude that every country in Europe is at the risk of impending failure. Such a conclusion would be false. In the middle of Europe lies one country, Switzerland, where moderate taxes and regulation have not strangled innovation. R. James Breiding, author of Swiss Made: The Untold Story behind Switzerland’s Success, will describe the institutions and characteristics that have made the Swiss economy a success. Our panel will also examine what lessons the Swiss model offers for the rest of Europe.