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Economic Reform in China: Problems and Prospects

• Published By Cato Institute
By James A. Dorn and Wang Xi
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About the Book

In this volume distinguished Chinese and Western scholars provide a detailed examination of the problems associated with China’s transition to a market-oriented system. A variety of reform proposals, aimed at resolving the contradictions inherent in piecemeal reform, are discussed along with the chances for future liberalization. Topics include the speed and degree of the transition, whether ownership reform must precede price reform, how inflation can be avoided, steps to depoliticize economic life, how to create an environment conducive to foreign trade and investment, and how to institute basic constitutional change and open China to the outside world.

About the Editors

James Dorn is Cato’s vice president for academic affairs, editor of the Cato Journal and director of Cato’s annual monetary conference. Wang Xi is a professor of economics and history at Fudan University and deputy director of the Center for American Studies.